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Solubilised Vat Brown 7

Name:C.I.Solubilised Vat Brown 7 ,C.I.73406

Molecular Structure: Thioindigo class

C.I.Solubilised Vat Brown 7,C.I.73406,651.45,C21H10Cl2Na2O9S4,Anthrasol Brown IVD

C.I.Solubilised Vat Brown 7,C.I.73406,651.45,C21H10Cl2Na2O9S4,Anthrasol Brown IVD

Molecular Formula:C21H10Cl2Na2O9S4

Molecular Weight: 651.45

CAS Registry Number:

Manufacturing Methods :  (a) in the presence of Pyridine , with Chlorosulfonic acid treatment C.I. 73405 leuco; (b) in the Pyridine with metal (such as copper, iron, zinc, etc) and Sulfur trioxide source (such as Sulfur trioxide, Chlorosulfonic acid or Methyl chlorosulfonate, etc.) processing C.I. 73405. The above two kinds of situation after alkaline, filter out insolubles, remove Pyridine and salting out.

Properties and Applications: dark red light brown. Soluble in water for red light brown.

Standard Ironing Fastness Chlorine bleach Light Fastness Mercerized Oxygen bleach Soaping
Fading Stain
ISO 4 6 4

List of Suppliers:

Anthrasol Brown IVD ( IG Farbenindustrie AG )

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