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Vat Brown 44

Name:C.I.Vat Brown 44,C.I.70802

Molecular Structure: anthraquinones

C.I.Vat Brown 44,C.I.70802,CAS 2475-33-4/104491-90-9,646.60,C42H18N2O6

C.I.Vat Brown 44,C.I.70802,CAS 2475-33-4/104491-90-9,646.60,C42H18N2O6

Molecular Formula:C42H18N2O6

Molecular Weight: 646.60

CAS Registry Number:2475-33-4/104491-90-9

Manufacturing Methods : 1,4-Diaminoanthraquinone and 1-Bromoanthracene-9,10-dione or 1-Chloroanthraquinone (2 Moore) condensation, the product with Potassium hydroxide alkali fusion.

Properties and Applications:  red light brown. Dark grey powder. Insoluble in water and cold Xylene, slightly soluble in hot 1, 2, 3, 4 – Tetrahydronaphthalene and thermal Xylene. In concentrated sulfuric acid for brown, dilution after brown precipitation. Alkaline reduction leuco for red brown; Acid reduction leuco for dark yellow. Used for cotton fabric dyeing, applicable to jig dyeing and disseminated, good levelness, affinity is medium. To dead cotton covering power is poorer, easy to produce excessive reduction. The product is not suitable for printing, but can dye shallow base color white discharge. Can also be used to viscose fiber and silk dyeing.

Standard Ironing Fastness Chlorine bleach Light Fastness Mercerized Oxygen bleach Soaping
Fading Stain
ISO 5 4 7 4 4-5 4-5 5

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