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Acid Orange 19

Name:C.I.Acid Orange 19,C.I.14690

Molecular Structure: Single azo class

C.I.Acid Orange 19,C.I.14690,CAS 3058-98-8,519.53,C23H18N3NaO6S2,Acid Fast Red 2G,Red GG,Red GGW,Light Orange 3R,Scarlet e4g

C.I.Acid Orange 19,C.I.14690,CAS 3058-98-8,519.53,C23H18N3NaO6S2,Acid Fast Red 2G,Red GG,Red GGW,Light Orange 3R,Scarlet e4g

Molecular Formula:C23H18N3NaO6S2

Molecular Weight: 519.53

CAS Registry Number:3058-98-8

Manufacturing Methods : 5-Amino-2-methyl-N-phenylbenzenesulfonamide diazo, coupled with the 4-Hydroxynaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid.

Properties and Applications: red light orange. Soluble in water for palm orange, slightly soluble in ethanol and acetone, insoluble in other organic solvents. The strong sulfuric acid for purple, orange and brown after diluted to appear red purple precipitation. In water solution to join strong hydrochloric acid for orange brown; Add thick sodium hydroxide solution in red. Copper, iron ion in color shade darker. This product used for wool, silk, polyamide fiber and its blended fabric dyeing and printing, also can be used for leather color.

Standard Light Fastness Soaping Persperation Fastness Oxygen bleaching Fastness to seawater
Fading Stain Fading Stain Fading Stain
ISO 4-5 3 2 3 1 2 3 3
AATCC 4 2 2 2-3 1 1 3 3

List of Suppliers:

Acid Fast Red 2G(Colorom SA)

Acid Fast Red W2G( Ciech SA )

Egacid Red GG(SBU Pigments and Dyes)

Heliacid Light Orange 3R( S A des Ets. Steiner )

Nylosan Scarlet 4G( Clariant GmbH )

Polan Scarlet e4g( Ciech SA )

Suminol Fast Red GG ( Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd )

Supramin Red GG ( Bayer Group )

Telon Red GGW ( DyStar GmbH & Co Deutschland KG )

Tertracid Supra Red 2G(Yorkshire Group pic)

Triacid Fast Red 2G(Chemische Fabriek Triade BV)

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