
Direct Orange 70

Name:C.I.Direct Orange 70,C.I.40245

Molecular Structure: Stilbenes

C.I.Direct Orange 70,C.I.40245,CAS 1325-60-6

C.I.Direct Orange 70,C.I.40245,CAS 1325-60-6

Molecular Formula:

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CAS Registry Number:1325-60-6

Manufacturing Methods :  in reflux conditions, sodium hydroxide solution in (E)-2-(2-sulfo-4-nitrostyryl)-5-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid with 3-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid sodium diazotization and O-Anisidine coupled with heating products.

Properties and Applications: dark red light orange. Soluble in water and ethanol, insoluble in acetone. The strong sulfuric acid as dark blue in green; In the dark of nitric acid blue purple; In strong hydrochloric acid for dark red jujube; In sodium hypochlorite solution for dark red.

Standard Acid Resistance Alkali Resistance Light Fastness Soaping Water
Fading Stain Fading Stain
ISO 3-4 5 6-7 4 3

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