
Vat Yellow 20

Name:C.I.Vat Yellow 20,C.I.68420

Molecular Structure: anthraquinones

C.I.Vat Yellow 20,C.I.68420,CAS 4216-01-7,481.46,C30H15N3O4,Vat Yellow 4GF

C.I.Vat Yellow 20,C.I.68420,CAS 4216-01-7,481.46,C30H15N3O4,Vat Yellow 4GF

Molecular Formula:C30H15N3O4

Molecular Weight: 481.46

CAS Registry Number:4216-01-7

Manufacturing Methods : Phthalic anhydride and Toluene condensed aluminum chloride and sodium hydroxide, closed with fuming sulfuric acid, nitric acid and sulfuric acid nitration, oxidation, with nitrobenzene sulfonic acid, ammonia and Formaldehyde, anthrone, and use of thionyl chloride , and 1-Aminoanthracene-9,10-dione condensation.

Properties and Applications: yellow. Yellow powder. Alkaline also for the red ones, brown, acid also does red orange for. The good affinity of cotton fiber, good levelness, but to dead cotton covering power is poor. Mainly used for cotton disseminated and roll dye, but white sex is very poor, only for light color and white color printing, suitable for cotton direct printing.

Standard Ironing Fastness Chlorine bleach Light Fastness Mercerized Oxygen bleach Soaping
Fading Stain
ISO 4-5 4 7 4 5 5 5

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Vat Yellow 4GF

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